13-17 May 2024 Montpellier (France)

Topology and arithmetic of moduli spaces of curves

The conference aims at bringing together people working on different aspects (topological, group-theoretic, combinatorial, tropical, arithmetic, motivic, etc.) of moduli spaces of curves and their invariants.

Scientific programme

Mini-courses by

  • Francis Brown (Oxford)
  • Richard Hain (Duke)

Research talks by

  • Anton Alekseev (Genève)
  • Omid Amini (École polytechnique)
  • Carel Faber (Utrecht)
  • Margarida Melo (Roma Tre)
  • Florian Naef (Trinity College Dublin)
  • Noema Nicolussi (TU Graz)
  • Dan Petersen (Stockholm University)
  • Ulrike Tillmann (Oxford)
  • Orsola Tommasi (Padova)
  • Karen Vogtmann (Warwick)
  • Thomas Willwacher (ETH Zürich)


Damien Calaque (Montpellier), Clément Dupont (Montpellier), Javier Fresán (Sorbonne Université)

Practical Information

How to reach the institute?

The math institute (IMAG) is located on Campus Triolet, in building number 9. The best way to reach the Campus Triolet is to take the tram: (1) take Tram number 1 going to Mosson, (2) get off at the station Saint Eloi, and finally (3) walk for 5-10 minutes to the Truel entrance of the Campus (go along Avenue du Dr Pezet and turn left into Rue du Truel). You'll see building number 9 from this entrance. Here's a map of Campus Triolet.

Location of the conference room
The conference takes place in the lecture room SC10.01, on the ground floor of building number 10 (next to IMAG, which is in building number 9).
Olympic flame
On Monday May 13, the olympic flame will arrive in Montpellier. In principle, the tram line number 1 shall be functionning as usual, but there might be some delays (especially in the afternoon, as the flame will arrive in the city center around 5pm). Here are webpages (in French) with more detailed information concerning the impact of this event on public transport: for bus lines and for tram lines.


  • Université de Montpellier (pôle MIPS)

    mini logo MIPS

  • ANR HighAGT

    mini logo ANRANR pentagon

  • Foundation Compositio Mathematica

    mini logo CM

  • CNRS Mathématiques
    RT2170 Géométrie Algébrique et Singularités - GAS
    RT2171 Topologie Algébrique et Géométrique - RTop
    RT2174 Théorie des nombres - RT2N

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