Schedule, titles and abstractsMini-courses Francis Brown: Cohomology of moduli spaces of tropical curves, abelian varieties and the general linear group of integers Richard Hain: Topology, Hodge theory and Motives Talks Anton Alekseev: Generalized pentagon equation and the KKS coaction map (related paper) Omid Amini: Tropical algebraic cycles and tropical Hodge theory Carel Faber: Arithmetic aspects of the cohomology of moduli spaces of curves Margarida Melo: Tropicalizing moduli spaces and applications Florian Naef: The Kashiwara-Vergne quotient Noema Nicolussi: Hybrid curves and their moduli spaces (Slides) Dan Petersen: A simple proof of the Mumford conjecture (related paper) Ulrike Tillmann: Homology stability for generalised Hurwitz spaces and asymptotic monopoles (related paper) Orsola Tommasi: Geometry of fine compactified Jacobians Karen Vogtmann: The borders of Outer space (related paper) Thomas Willwacher: Cyclic model for the dg dual of the BV operad (related paper)
The abstracts are here The schedule is here |
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